Presentations for Students

Presentations for Students

I love connecting with young people and presenting on a variety of topics for school age students. I have experience working students in elementary, middle and high school. 
Below is a list of topics I present for students in either large group settings or smaller more interactive settings.. I'm always adding on to this list so check back for presentations

Born to Stand Out:
    This presentation is about growing up feeling like you don’t quite fit in with your peers and wondering if you’ll ever feel like you truly belong but then learning that those things that make you unique and stand out from the others are the very things that will lead to happiness, empowerment, and success. Students will participate in discussion and activities to identify and expand on their strengths and empower them to use their uniqueness to stand out and succeed.

Being an Upstander
This presentation is about developing moral courage and using six strategies as a leader to support peers who are being mistreated or bullied. Taken from the books Safe School Ambassadors and UnSelfie, these six strategies give students subtle yet powerful ways to intervene as an upstander for their peers. Students will participate in discussion, activities, and role plays to practice moral courage techniques and upstander strategies.

Positive Digital Footprint
It is the 21st Century and our online presence and social media persona is a part of most people lives. Having a digital footprint is actually a good thing...if it is positive. This presentation will help students understand the do’s and don’ts of social media and technology use through a variety of activities and discussions to help understand how long lasting your digital footprint actually is and ways to create a positive digital footprint. Examples and activities are taken from a variety of sources including Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship lessons and the book SocialLEADia.

Females in STEM Careers
This presentation is about introducing girls to careers in STEM fields. Girls will learn connections between their current interests and abilities and a variety of STEM related careers. Examples of women in STEM fields will be shared. Girls will participate in a culminating activity where they link how they could use their interests and abilities to a STEM related career.

Confident Me (Dove Self Esteem Project) 
This presentation can be done in 1 presentation or broken down into up to 5 separate presentations. The Dove Self Esteem Project Confident Me program includes discussion, videos, and activities that explore influences on young people’s body image and self-esteem. The presentation addresses appearance ideals that students face, critically thinking about the messages we receive from professional and social media, confronting how students compare themselves to peers and others, ways to banish body talk, and how they can be the change to share positive body image beyond the sessions.

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